lay up vessel service Malaysia

Importance of lay up vessel service Malaysia

As international trade becomes closer and closer, international transportation of goods is becoming more and more frequent, and ships are indispensable for logistics transportation between countries. And for many businesses, ships are also the lifeblood on which they depend for their survival. Therefore, these businesses have a good reason to need lay up vessel services. Especially for companies that carry out ocean cargo transportation, it is important to properly lay up vessel. If you are looking for lay up vessel service Malaysia, you may contact Altus Malaysia for more information. However, if your own a vessel for your business, here are some of the reasons why your business needs lay up vessel service Malaysia.

Reasons of why your business needs lay up vessel service Malaysia

Repair your ship: When sailing at sea, your cargo ship may encounter various problems and accidents at any time and anywhere, such as sudden equipment failure. However, it is likely that your crew will only be able to operate the equipment and not repair it. At this point, you will need to rely on a shipyard to repair your vessel. If you need a shipyard to make temporary and quick repairs to your equipment, you need to find a shipyard that offers lay up vessel service and dock your vessel there so that the shipyard can send someone to repair your vessel. In addition, you will also need to dock your vessel at the dock when you are doing yearly repairs and overhauls. Therefore, lay up vessel service Malaysia is necessary for you anyway.

Cost saving: By regularly using lay up vessel service Malaysia, you can keep your vessel in good repair and maintenance at regular intervals. This will keep your vessel in the best working condition at all times, ensuring that your vessel is safe to sail, reducing the cost burden of damage to your vessel and reducing the rate of depreciation. In addition, by mooring your unused vessel, you can save a lot of money on manpower costs for hiring crew, fuel costs for sailing, and all other expenses. These are all significant cost savings.

Replenish ship’s necessities: By using lay up vessel service Malaysia, you can moor your ship in port when necessary. Long sea voyages consume a huge amount of necessities, whether it is food, fuel, fresh water, etc. These need to be replenished regularly to ensure that the ship can continue to sail. Therefore, regular lay up vessel service helps to replenish the ship’s necessities during the time when the ship is not in operation to ensure that the ship can continue to sail. In addition, long periods at sea can be psychologically stressful for the crew, so they can also relax on land during lay up time.

About Altus

If you need lay up vessel service Malaysia, you may contact Altus! Altus Malaysia offers services such tugboats for vessel or rig movements, loading and unloading licenses for marine assets, towing analysis and mooring analysis, crew transportation, loading processes, etc. as one of the top maritime solution businesses and the best logistic company in Malaysia.