Variety Of Pipe Materials

The pipes that transport water to and from fixtures and appliances in the house come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Regardless matter whether you hire a plumber or do a DIY home plumbing job, the process may be perplexing due to the variety of pipe materials available.

What pipe should you use for water, drainage, sewage, and even the exterior? The solution isn’t as straightforward as it formerly was when the only pipe options were galvanized steel or cast iron. We’ll break down the different types of pipe materials below to help you decide which is ideal for your area and application. When choosing the right pipe for your plumbing job, the most important factors to consider are both the function the pipe needs to perform as well as the layout of the space you’re working with. For instance, you might need a more flexible pipe for tight areas.

PEX Pipes.

PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) is a water-supply pipe made of durable plastic. It’s stiff enough to endure water pressures while yet being flexible enough to weave its way through walls, ceilings, basements, and crawlspaces. In comparison to many other pipe materials, it is also far less costly.

The tubes are widely available in sizes of 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch, and they’re simple to cut and connect. They’re also usually color-coded, with red for hot water and blue for cold.

PVC Pipes

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipe is a kind of white plastic pipe that is often used for waste lines. It first gained favor as a lighter, easier-to-work-with alternative to standard galvanised steel pipe. It’s also reasonably priced and long-lasting.

PVC pipe is reasonably simple to install, requiring just a hacksaw and a miter box for cutting. Solvents are used to hold it together.

Copper Pipes

Copper pipes are generally made of pure copper, as shown by their gleaming reddish-brown colour. Water supply pipes in the house are often made of rigid copper. It is highly appreciated since, unlike other pipe materials such as plastics, it does not pose any health problems. 1

Rigid copper is also long-lasting and easy to cut with a tube cutter or hacksaw. It is, however, rather costly.

ABS Pipes

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) pipe is a thermoplastic resin that resembles PVC pipe but is blacker and somewhat softer. It serves primarily as a vent and drain pipe.

This pipe is rather robust, but sun exposure may deform and weaken it, and it’s a budget-friendly option. However, unlike PVC, it is not always up to code, so verify your local rules.

Flexi Pipes

A flexible pipe, often known as Flexi, is a kind of flexible tubing that is generally composed of stainless steel. It’s often used to connect the final pipe to appliances like water heaters, toilets, and sinks. It’s usually not allowed to be used within walls or on floors.

The flexi pipe is available in a variety of lengths and diameters. It’s rather long-lasting, yet it’s not rare for it to fail after years of use. It’s also pricey, even if you just need a little amount for a job.

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