World of Baby Things

Breastfeeding is the greatest option for babies for mothers who are able to do so. It has numerous advantages for both the mother and the child. Breast Milk provides your growing baby with all of the nutrients he or she requires to flourish, especially in the first six months of life, as well as antibodies to help them fight infections.

It’s critical for mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding to eat well. Using a combination of breast and bottle feeding for an extended period of time may limit your own breast milk supply, and it may be difficult to reverse your decision.

Follow the feeding guide and preparation instructions carefully while using infant formula. Your kid could become ill if you use infant formula incorrectly or prepare it incorrectly.

Before feeding your baby formula, seek guidance from your doctor or a health care expert. Before deciding to use infant formula, think about the social and financial repercussions.

The Malaysian Baby Product Association (BPAM) was founded in 2016. Major distributors and associate members make up BPAM’s membership (leading online and offline retailers). Our members are well-versed in the sector and its products, which include everything from nursery software and hardware to breastfeeding equipment, strollers, car seats, toys, and baby skincare.

BPAM’s first aim is to create its own BPAM code of Practice by collaborating with the Ministry to design and standardise infant product rules that safeguard all stakeholders. The Association works hard to promote the infant and nursery products industry in Malaysia and around the world.

Members and associate members will profit from knowledge exchange, intimate industry transactions, and exclusive product offers while under the aegis of the Association. Members, for example, receive preferential national and international Expo Booth pricing at BabyCon Conventions, CBME in Shanghai, Singapore, and other locations. Furthermore, the Association is working directly with members to connect them with various business support and services such as logistics, system and communication assistance, web designers, and so on.

“Nurturing a Safer Future,” says the Association’s tagline. We’re collaborating to make this happen!

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